Saturday, 25 February 2012


On a recent (this afternoon, in fact) road trip with a friend, I noticed something. As we were driving down the N1, I noticed (in between bouts of fearing for my life) that very few people actually look around them when they drive. When I say this, I don't mean in a way that will cause an accident, I mean that most people just stare straight ahead of them without looking out the windows, and those who did, had vacant expressions, like they were given a strong dose of morphine.

This got me thinking for reasons I still cant figure out. I noticed that sometimes at school, it works the same. People stare at their feet or straight at the classroom they need to get to. People are so focused on getting where they need to be as fast as possible that they don't realize that they're missing out on some of the best scenery life has to offer. Now, I know I'm not the first one to make this observation, and I think this is actually a very cliche idea, but it still has to be said. Or rather, I need to give my view, how ever uninteresting it might be.

I have a very deep fear of becoming one of those people. I have a fear of being blinded by the tar road that stretches ahead of me. I have a fear of being caught up in the sight of the window rather than what's beyond it. I have a fear of being too focused.

Let's face it, its good to be focused. We would never get anything done if we weren't. And if drivers weren't focused, South Africa's (and the world's) death toll would be a helluva lot higher. Focus is a good thing. Most times. Other times, its an all-consuming thing that leads to stress, insomnia and burn-out. That's why its good to unwind.

Now, I'm not saying that drivers should not look ahead of them when driving, just don't be consumed by the road ahead. Be consumed in where you are at that very moment. Be consumed be the bush you just drove passed or by what might be waiting on the horizon. Take in the absolute beauty around you and not the monotony of the tarred road in front and behind you. Trust me, its not going anywhere. Unless you take a wrong turn and wind up on a gravel road in the middle of nowhere. I take no responsibility for that. Seriously do yourself a favor and take a look around next time. And don't be caught staring at the window instead of out of it. That makes you just as bad as the people who look straight ahead.

Naturally, I voiced this to my friend. His reply was typical of him, and also what's going through your mind right now.
"Dude, jou kop raas."

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