Monday, 10 June 2013

Letters to My Imagination

This is the first of what I think will be a regular feature. Letters containing what I wish I had said, would like to one day say and random other statements. I hope I can keep it regularly updated, interesting and coherent. If not, whatever.

As I write this, you lie fast asleep with your arm draped over my stomach. You fell asleep like that some time ago. The only noise in the silence is your rhythmic breathing, my only sight in the darkness the gentle rise and fall of your chest.

You are a million leagues away in a world known only to you. A world where you are safe from danger. A world where you can scale the highest mountains, and where your deepest desires and wildest dreams become realities. A world I will do everything in my power to give you.

When I started this letter, I knew exactly what I wanted it to contain. I wanted to write to you 10 000 words on why I love you, how you brighten my world with your presence and how you are the most spectacularly beautiful being to ever grace the face of the earth. I wanted to bare my soul to you. But now I cannot summon from my hand, nor from this pen, the words needed to express my feelings in a way that would make you understand.

All that comes to mind at this moment is the feeling of your skin under my fingertips. Of your gentle heartbeat against my chest when you hold me close. Of the moment your eyes meet mine and you stare down to the deepest caverns of my existence. Of your fingers intertwined with mine. The feeling of your tender voice in my ear at the beginning of every new day. Of your head on my chest. And the way you make my soul ache simply by smiling. And for this there are no words in any language.

But you make me want to find them. And for the rest of my life, I will try to find them.

How I wish you would believe me when I tell you how beautiful you are. I wish you would believe me when I say I will always love you. I wish you would believe me when I say that I will never hurt you. I wish you would believe me when I say there is no better ecstasy than the rush of when your lips meet mine. But tonight, in the lonely silence with the darkness as my witness, I make this solemn promise that I will spend the rest of my life proving these declarations to you.

I don’t know when, if ever, you will read this, but it does not matter, as these words will remain true until the end of my days and beyond.

I love you with everything I am and everything I ever hope to be, now, and forever.

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